Thematic Areas
Sample Course of Study:
Required Course: Prerequisite
- SCSO 1000: Science and Society: Theories and Controversies
Thematic Track (Content)
- COGS 0110: Perception, Illusion, and the Visual Arts
- ENGL 0180: Introduction to Creative Nonfiction
- ENGL 1190G: Science as Writing; Scientist as Writer
- ENVS 1410: Environmental Law and Policy
- HIST 1790: North American Environmental History
- SOC 1010: Classical Sociological Theory
Science Track: (Could be any field but this uses geology)
- GEOL 0070: Introduction to Oceanography
- GEOL 0160G: Energy Resources
- GEOL 1960F: Patterns in Nature, in Society
- GEOL 1150: Limnology: The Study of Lakes
Related STS Courses (Theory)
- ENGL 1761N: Natural and Supernatural: Issues in the Study of Science and Religion
- HIST 1190: 19th Century Roots of Modern Science
- SOC 2130: Organizations and Policymaking
Required Course: Capstone
- SCSO 1900: Senior Seminar